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From Brooklyn to Mexico


Diana Leidel is a Brooklyn/Mexico-based painter, photographer, installation and statement artist, writer, observer, lover of chairs and word art, creative director and feminist with a BFA from Cooper Union, MA from New York University. She has been an NYU adjunct professor in graphic communications and a creative director in publishing, including Woman’s Day, Playbill Magazine, Pilates Style, Dance Magazine, and Pointe Magazine. Diana Co-founded HealthRight, a feminist health education outreach organization. Diana is a working artist.


C U R R E N T W O R K:
The Image is Twice the Size of the Object, consisting of one hundred 8”x8” black and white acrylic portraits (including the stories), of women arrested who have been identified in media. Including Billie Holiday, Marie Antoinette, Typhoid Mary, Brittany Griner, Martha Stewart, Jane Fonda, Briana Taylor, Nicki Minaj, Ann Boleyn, Amy Cooper, and others. 


I N S T A L L A T I O N S:

  • Something May Be Happening Here, an installation imagining on-the-street surveillance in four cities.

  • The Ladies’, a 4-minute video revealing the interiors of ladies’ rooms and their social messages.

  • Dozing on the Q, a photo portrait study of exhausted and sleeping subway commuters.

  • 38th Street 2pm, a photo essay encircling the gallery walls derived from lunchtime walks along a single multi-cultural Garment District block.

  • Wild Women, a gallery installation celebrating the accomplishments of 40+ unknown women. 


E X H I B I T I O N S:
Her work has been included at institutions and galleries in New York, Miami and elsewhere, including the Washington Square East Gallery, The Manhattan Art and Antiques Center, The New York Public Library, The New York Transit Museum, St. Joseph’s College, The Brooklyn Museum, Broadway Suites, Gallery Gaia, The Front Street Gallery, the Chashama 38th Street Gallery, The Fashion Center Public Space, The Abrazo Gallery, The Container Gallery in Miami. 


Contact the gallery to inquire about prints. We will forward all requests to Diana. Decagon Gallery does not take any commissions or fees from sales.

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