Entry Deadline: January 19

Call for Entries:
Beyond the Mirror
Online Exhibition
how do you reflect on the theme ?
Juror: Steven Phillip Harris
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Call for Entry: "Beyond the Mirror" Photography Exhibition
We invite photographers to submit their work for a juried exhibition celebrating the evocative and multifaceted theme of "Beyond the Mirror". This competition seeks photographic interpretations that explore mirrors both literally and metaphorically. We welcome all creative angles, from reflections in glass to introspective self-portraits, symbolic imagery, or abstract compositions that contemplate identity, perception, or the duality of human experience. Show us how "mirrors" open a window to deeper realities.
Accepted entries will be shown in an online exhibition from February 1 through March 31, and then archived on our website.
The First Place entry will be awarded $300 and offered a free Solo Exhibit in the gallery's Featured section.
Digital badges will be awarded to all participants and Certificates will be given to the First, Second and Third place entries plus the two Honorable Mentions. The exhibition will be promoted on our social media sites, email blasts and other online sites.
Submission Guidelines:
- Eligibility: Open to photographers internationally over 18 at all levels and backgrounds.
- Work: Submit up to 10 images that you believe capture the essence of the "Beyond the Mirror" theme.
- Presentation: All submitted photographs must be labeled "First Name-Last Name_title" Example: “Sarah-Smith_cracked.jpg”
- Format: JPEG or JPG or GIF, 72 dpi, minimum size 2100 px on the longest side.
- Entry Fee: $20 for up to 4 images, $4 for each additional image.
BONUS: Pay for 8 images and get two more entries for free.
- Extended Deadline: All entries must be received by January 19, 2025.
- Exhibition Dates: February 1 through March 31, 2025.
A note on AI — Artificial Intelligence:
As more image processing software incorporates AI techniques, we find it necessary to clarify our position on this. If a substantial portion of the image is created using Artificial Intelligence, it will not be considered for the exhibition. On the other hand, if AI is used simply to erase an object in the background or to extend the borders of an image, we would be able to accept it for consideration. The ultimate decision would be made by the exhibition juror as well as the gallery, and the decision to include or exclude an image will be final. We suggest that you should make a judgment as to whether your images appear to be substantial products of AI, and if they do please do not submit them.
Selection Process:
Our juror Steven Phillip Harris* will review submissions and select works that best embody the spirit of the exhibition. Chosen photographs will be displayed in our online gallery, offering a platform for the viewer's imagination and interpretation.
How to Submit:
Please submit your entries on the form below including your name, contact information, and entry fee. Make sure your name is included in the file. eg: “Sarah-Smith_cracked.jpg”
We look forward to seeing your unique perspectives and how you reflect on the theme of "Beyond the Mirror"
For more information, visit www.decagongallery.com or email info@decagongallery.com
* Steven Phillip Harris holds an MFA in Studio Art and is currently teaching photography at Queens College and at SUNY/Empire State College. He has exhibited at The Factory in NYC, Indianapolis Arts Center, IN, Plaxall Gallery in NY,C, The Atlantic Gallery in NYC, AHA Fine Art in Brooklyn, NY, Mana Contemporary gallery in NJ, Sideshow gallery in Brooklyn, and in the New York State Museum in Albany, NY. Clients include the artist Marina Abramovic and the Sculpture’s Guild. Harris continues to explore, exhibit, teach and pursue the limits of the photographic process.
You retain all rights, including copyright, to your photographs.
We will never distribute your photos to anyone.
Join our mailing list:
Your files must be set to 2100 pixels on the long edge, saved as jpg or jpeg or gif, and be less than 2 mb (that's the size of the closed file).
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at: info@decagongallery.com
If you prefer, you can submit through CaFÉ - Call for Entry or EntryThingy